Student Centered Education Consulting Group (SCECG) is a highly successful educational consulting firm which has seasoned, veteran, experienced, highly successful South Carolina superintendents, school and district administrators, business and personnel administrators, teachers and instructional specialists and other staff available to assist school districts across the state. The goal of SCECG is to offer top quality services to South Carolina districts to enable districts and schools to better serve their students and communities. The services are designed to meet the specific needs of districts through research and study. Our strengths are our employees and our commitment and our passion to make a difference for school districts across the state. We are truly student centered and we deliver on our promises.
SCECG provides instructional, educational support, administrative and management services for schools and school Districts in South Carolina. In order to provide these services SCECG employs experienced, qualified and, as appropriate, certified SCECG educators and support staff such as teachers, teacher assistants, school and district administrators, administrative assistants, food service employees, specialists and custodians and places these SCECG educators into school districts. SCECG has the capacity to assist other districts as well. Employees are at all times employees of SCECG and SCECG will provide supervision and control of SCECG personnel to ensure students receive quality instruction and services in accordance with the guidelines set by the District.
SCECG has established a Division of Recruitment and Employment of Educators within the Company which will be responsible for recruiting and employing top quality educators who will be placed in South Carolina School Districts. SCECG will recruit and hire educational personnel to be placed in the school districts and will contract with school districts to place these to provide provides instructional services, educational support services, administrative and management services.
SCECG provides a proactive, comprehensive approach to hire and place educators who meet or exceed expectations. In partnership with our clients, we recruit the very best educators who possess the skills, experience, and passion essential to advancing the district’s mission, aspirations and goals and providing the best education possible. We identify and recruit top talent by using our relationships with educators, Schools of Education across the state and CERRA by advertising using electronic and print media.
SCECG has established a Division of Recruitment and Employment of Educators within the company which will be responsible for recruiting and employing top quality educators who will be placed in South Carolina School Districts. SCECG will recruit and hire educational personnel to be placed in the school districts and will contract with school districts to place these educators into vacant positions. SCECG provides a proactive, comprehensive approach to hire and place educators who meet or exceed expectations of SCECG and the School District. In partnership with our clients, we recruit the very best educators who possess the knowledge, skills, experience, and passion essential to advancing the district's mission, aspirations and goals and providing the best education possible. We identify and recruit top talent by using our relationships with educators, Schools of Education across the state and CERRA and by advertising using electronic and print media.
To establish a complete pre-employment file, please print the employment application, complete the application and email or mail to Cathy McMillan. Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview.
Also, you will need to have 2 individuals complete the appropriate reference forms and submit to
You will be notified if you are selected for an interview.
After the application is completed, a SCECG administrator will meet with the prospective employees and if the candidate is offered a position the candidate will complete all other required employment and payroll forms.
SCECG will employ the individual following the approved process, including reference checks, background checks and completion of all required documents. SCECG requires the candidate to sign an at will agreement for employment.
SCECG will assign the employee to the district and the Employee agrees and accepts that all assigned positions in the School District are made in the sole discretion of Employer, SCECG in consultation with the School District’s Superintendent or his or her designee.
SCECG will pay the Employee a salary that is based the Employee’s certifications or qualifications using the appropriate salary schedule for the School District position less any withholdings required by law and deductions provided under the signed agreement. SCECG will pay their employee a monthly salary as determined by SCECG. Employee compensation for days absent from work will be governed by the District’s Sick and Personal Leave Policy.
Pay days will be established by SCECG and all pay will be through direct deposit to the employee as may be arranged and handled by SCECG. SCECG shall be responsible for determining all withholdings under state and federal law. The required deductions that will be made from the Employee’s gross salary are Social Security Employee Contribution, Medicare Employee Contribution, Federal Income Tax, State Income Tax and the fee to SCECG. No optional insurances are available through SCECG however a 401 K plan is available.